Gasolina Lyrics in English Translation from one of the finest albums Barrio Fino. Gasolina Lyrics are written by Daddy Yankee, Eddie Alexander Ávila Ortiz while the music is composed by Luny Tunes, DJ Nelson. Gasolina music video is represented by El Cartel, VI Music, Universal Music Group.
Gasolina Song Credits:
Song Title: Gasolina
Album: Barrio Fino
Singer: Daddy Yankee
Lyricist: Daddy Yankee, Eddie Alexander Ávila Ortiz
Genre: Reggaeton
Language: Spanish
Label: El Cartel, VI Music, Universal Music Group

Gasolina Lyrics in English Translation – Daddy Yankee
Zumbale el mambo pa’ q mis gatas prendan los motores,
Zumbale el mambo pa’ q mis gatas prendan los motores,
Zumbale el mambo pa’ q mis gatas prendan los motores,
Que se preparen q lo q viene es pa q le den, duro!
So that my daughters can start their engines, turn up the mambo.
So that my daughters can start their engines, turn up the mambo.
So that my daughters can start their engines, turn up the mambo.
Get ready—you’re about to engage in intense activity!
Mamita yo se que tu no te me va’ a quitar (duro!)
Lo que me gusta es q tu te dejas llevar (duro!!)
To los weekenes ella sale a vacilar (duro!!)
Mi gata no para de janguiar porq
Baby, I know you won’t quit on me (go hard!)
What I like is that you let yourself go (go hard!!)
Every weekend she goes out to have fun (go hard!!)
My girl doesn’t stop partying because
A ella le gusta la gasolina (dame mas gasolina)
Como le encanta la gasolina (dame mas gasolina) x2
She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline)
How she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline) x2
Ella prende las turbinas,
No discrimina,
No se pierde ni un party de marquesina,
Se acicala hasta pa la esquina,
Luce tan bien q hasta la sombra le combina,
Asesina, me domina,
Anda en carro, motoras y limosinas,
Llena su tanque de adrenalina,
Cuando escucha el reggaeton en la cocina.
She revs up the turbines,
Doesn’t discriminate,
Doesn’t miss a block party,
She gets ready even just to go to the corner,
She looks so good even her shadow matches,
A killer, she dominates me,
Rides cars, motorcycles, and limousines,
Fills her tank with adrenaline,
When she hears reggaeton in the kitchen.
A ella le gusta la gasolina (dame mas gasolina!!)
Como le encanta la gasolina (dame mas gasolina!!) x4
She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline!!)
How she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline!!) x4
Aqui nosotros somos los mejores,
No te me ajores,
En la pista nos llaman los matadores,
Haces q cualquiera se enamore,
Cuando bailas al ritmo de los tambores,
Esto va pa las gatas de to colores,
Pa las mayores, pa las menores,
Pa las que son mas zorras que los cazadores,
Pa las mujeres que no apagan sus motores.
Here we are the best,
Don’t get upset,
On the dance floor, they call us the killers,
You make anyone fall in love,
When you dance to the beat of the drums,
This is for girls of all colors,
For the older ones, for the younger ones,
For those who are more cunning than the hunters,
For the women who never turn off their engines.
Tenemo’ tu y yo algo pendiente,
Tu me debes algo y lo sabes,
Conmigo ella se pierde,
No le rinde cuentas a nadie. x2
We have a matter pending between us,
You are aware that you owe me something.
She gets lost with me and doesn’t have to answer to anyone. x2
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Subele el mambo pa’ q mis gatas prendan los motores,
Subele el mambo pa’ q mis gatas prendan los motores,
Subele el mambo pa’ q mis gatas prendan los motores,
Que se preparen q lo q viene es pa q le den, duro!
Turn up the mambo so my girls can start their engines,
Turn up the mambo so my girls can start their engines,
Turn up the mambo so my girls can start their engines,
Get ready, what’s coming is for you to go hard!
Mamita yo se que tu no te me va’ a quitar (duro!)
Lo que me gusta es q tu te dejas llevar (duro!!)
To los weekenes ella sale a vacilar (duro!!)
Mi gata no para de janguiar porq
Baby, I know you won’t quit on me (go hard!)
What I like is that you let yourself go (go hard!!)
Every weekend she goes out to have fun (go hard!!)
My girl doesn’t stop partying because
A ella le gusta la gasolina (dame mas gasolina!!)
Como le encanta la gasolina (dame mas gasolina!!) x4
She likes gasoline (give me more gasoline!!)
How she loves gasoline (give me more gasoline!!) x4
Written By: Daddy Yankee, Eddie Alexander Ávila Ortiz
FAQ (Featuring Answer Question)
Who sang the “Gasolina” Song?
Ans:- “Gasolina” song is sung by “Daddy Yankee”.
Who Wrote the “Gasolina” song?
Ans:- “Gasolina” Song Lyrics are written by ” Daddy Yankee, Eddie Alexander Ávila Ortiz”
Which Music Company has released “Gasolina”?
Ans:- “Gasolina” Song is Released under the Label “El Cartel, VI Music, Universal Music Group”.